International freephone number

International Freephone Call is a free reference information service for foreign users via allocated access number with the RUE Beltelecom facilities using, organized by a Customer in the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Owners of international freephone allocated number can offer consultations, technical support and other information services to their customers by phone, carry out various marketing events and etc. The telephone number of such service will be the same for foreign subscribers.
Access service to the reference information service is free of charge for foreign subscribers.
The cost of service is paid by the owner of the international freephone number (enterprise concerned or organization), whose activity is connected with the permanent information and technical support of clients. Technical facilities of Beltelecom provide an opportunity to conduct regular statistic collection of subscribers’ apply separately for each country from which calls are received. This is often important marketing information for Customer.
To order a service it is important to sign a contract with RUE Beltelecom.
Signing a contract for the service «International Freephone Call», Customer receives:

  1. A single number (UIFN) or several different for each country access numbers for foreign subscribers to its reference service;
  2. Permanent numbers, which are non-changeable even when coordinates change;
  3. Centralized tariffication of telephone connections.
    Tariffication of connections is made by technical facilities of Beltelecom.
  4. Service is free of charge for subscribers.

The subscribers of the public telephone network do not pay for the international connection and the fact of using the service, i.e. the invoice of the reference information service “International freephone call” using is not issued.
Details of the terms and conditions for the provision of “International Freephone Call” service can be found in the Produre of Providing Services.

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